Our behaviour modification sessions and packages are designed to strengthen the bond between you and your dog, helping identify behaviours and understand why they may be displaying them.
Every behaviour happens for a reason, and is always a way of your dog trying to communicate. During sessions we will explore you dogs emotional, mental and physical wellbeing, these can help us understand the dogs behaviour and reach a successful outcome for all.
ACE -Animal Centred Education is an key method in understanding your dog. Developed by Sarah Fisher, this integral approach highlights animals wellbeing and education. Through ACE we can combine observations, posture, movement and nervous system responses to support your dog.
During sessions we use ACE freework which has huge benefits for you and your dog. By allowing the dog choice the dogs will have a rewarding education learning life skills. This approach also allows your bond to strengthen with your dog and can open a world of opportunity's for you both.
ACE benefit's dogs of all ages, breeds and abilities.